Redirecting Fear

Trust another, challenge apathy with empathy
© Evoke Eternity | all rights reserved

Fear is always around us.  It encompasses what we do and why we do what we do.  Generally, it is perceived to make us weak and feeble.  We look up to those who are courageous, or fearless.  There is a belief that people without fear are courageous.  However, it is not that they are without fear, but they challenge their fear.  Or in other words, they redirect their fear to decide what action(s) to take.

Human emotions, whether they are happy or sad, are an expression of how we react to actions or triggers.  This can be a gift from our loved ones, or perhaps a fight with our loved ones.  At the crux of it, the emotions are nothing more than energy that is changed into an expression.  For example, Ice turns to water when heat, as a trigger, is applied to it.

Redirecting fear takes effort and action.  It starts with the thought to redirect it, then the action follows.  A constant fear in relationships is never being able to live up to our partner’s expectations.  Common fears include our looks, our actions and our words.  One way of redirecting the energy is to think about what it is that our partner does that inspires us, and what can we do to reflect that.

Challenge our envy with gratitude, challenge apathy with empathy.  Doing it bit by bit, day by day will make it a new habit in a month.  Start today!
